Friday, 23 December 2011


Up you stare, at the boundless starry night
Insignificance, you will see, of man's size
Excited electrons, in your eyes, giving sight
Caused by light, that's millions old tonight.

Deep you look, at this electron slight
Significance, you will see, of man's size
Particle or wave? Always a surprise
Nature's imagination never fails to delight.

Here you can experience the (in-)significance yourself:

Sunday, 23 October 2011

किं भो रङ्ग शयानोऽसि

किं भो रङ्ग शयानोऽसि
कावेरीहृदये वसन् |
कुतस्ते जात आयासः
भूभारहरणेन वा ||

ऎषः श्लोकः अपि अनुष्तुप्छन्दसि वर्तते | ऎषः श्रीरङ्गक्षेत्रस्य तत् क्षेत्रॆ स्थितस्य रङ्गनाथस्य च वर्णनम् |

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The Captain

Cast in turmoil, thrown about in the fiery sea
Was she sinking? The crew looked for lifeboats to flee
Hopeful one sailor, that the shore his vessel shall see
'O but the skipper! Where, in this time of need, be he?'
Screaming he scoured; an answer though, wasn't to be
But guided by his leader's deeds, the course he conceived
Now standing at the helm, the captain he shall be.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

An ode to Monday!

I want to play tennis in the morning sun,
Around that ground, four laps I want to run.
Then football, and drench in the evening rain,
But the clock tells me that it's Monday again!

Written on 25th April, 00:07 hrs.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

भव निर्भयः

यथा प्रातः निशा च स्तः
सुखदुःखे तथैव तु ।
तस्माद्विहाय तां चिन्तां
त्वं शान्तः भव निर्भयः॥

अस्य श्लोकस्य छन्दः अनुष्टुप्। छन्दसः लक्षणम् एवं वर्णितम् |

श्लोके षष्ठं गुरु ज्ञेयं सर्वत्र लघु पञ्चमम्।

द्विचतुष्पादयोर्ह्रस्वं सप्तमं दीर्घमन्ययोः॥

प्रतिपादे अष्टाक्षराणि भवन्ति।

Sunday, 30 January 2011


Thinking I was, That I should write a poem,
"The blog is so small! Why even have one?!
"Should it be an acrostic? Or just plain rhyme?
"Though the topic, I just can't seem to find!
"I'm no good at this, I'll only try in vain...
"What a headache!! What's gone into my brain??"
Thoughts thus grew, and along with it a plan
Now, I guess you know what I had in mind!

If you still don't know what scheme I'd come up with, it was to pen those thoughts as the poem you just read!